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Application Instructions


This application’s original purpose was to enable a user to enter their entire reading library no matter what format the reading material was purchased in.

Later, feedback was received that this app might have usefulness in an education setting but have not yet established the “business rules” to implement that functionality.

Data Entry


Figure1Figure 1Figure2Figure 2Figure3Figure 3

At the top right corner of the main screen, a pencil icon indicates a link for creating a new author. (see Figure 1)

Select the Create New Author link.

On this screen are boxes to enter (in order) Author First Name, Author Middle Name, Author Last Name and Title. (see Figure 2)

Author First Name and Author Middle Name are optional, but Author Last Name must be entered.

The cursor will appear in the first name box and when the user taps in the box a keyboard will come up (on mobile devices) showing “Next” on the return key. (see Figure 3)

After the Author Last Name has been entered and the “Next” button has been pressed, the return key will change from "Next" to “Done”.

Entry on subsequent screens follows the above guidelines for the most part.


Search functionality is based on the Author Last Name or Title being the search criteria.

Any author with the last name containing the search criteria or a title containing the search criteria will be returned.